Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Maline - Chapter 3 Preview

Maline woke with the warm sun shining through the window on her face. At first she was intent to be grumpy, as was the usual routine, but then she remembered yesterday and Abel and all the fun they had had. He had taken her through The Forest, teaching her what he knew, and she had walked along happier than ever, letting the quiet sounds of The Forest and the voice of a friend sooth her. She had met Abel’s dog, Archer. Archer was a big dog, almost pure wolf. He was very friendly and intelligent and seemed to understand everything Abel said to him. She liked Archer.
Then it began to grow dark and Maline grew hungry. She made Abel promise to show her his house next time, much to his reluctance, returned home, and went straight to bed, ignoring the probing questions of her relatives.
She got out of bed eagerly (“That’s a first”, she thought), got dressed and went downstairs to breakfast where the Greenfield’s sat waiting. They waited in silence for her to sit down. Then Lady Greenfield said,
“You’re late to breakfast, Maline. Why?”
“Why didn’t you wake me?” Maline was feeling especially obstinate today. She no longer felt a need to pretend to endure her Aunt’s infuriating rule.
“Excuse me?”
“I said ‘Why didn’t you wake me?’”
For a moment, Lady Greenfield did not know what to say. Maline helped herself to breakfast. Then,
“I understand you went into The Forest yesterday, Maline?”
Lord Greenfield’s attention was suddenly brought to the conversation.
“What’s this? You went into The Forest? My dear girl, you should not have gone there, you know ‘tis very dangerous. You might have been eaten by the Grath!”
Maline looked up from jellying her toast.
“Oh yes! I met one,” she said, looking very pleased with herself. “It was quite a chase.”
For a moment, silence reigned at the breakfast table, and the only sound was of Maline jellying her toast and taking a crunchy bite.
“I hope you do not intend to go back, m’dear,” said Lord Greenfield in his innocent, commandless voice.
“Oh yes,” replied Maline through a mouthful of bread. “I intend to return this very day. I like it there.”
Lady Greenfield slammed a fist down on the table.
“No you will NOT! You will be punished for what you did to Faultsworth and you will stay within the castle walls. I will have the guards make sure of it.”

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

it's very good. (obviously)