Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tips for Prince Charming

If you want to be Prince Charming, start by treating every girl like a princess.
Let me explain.
"Treat every girl like a princess" has almost become simply a metephor for "treat 'em good".
But I mean in literally.

Think of it this way. Every princess belongs to an earthly King: her father. That King has his own dominion, his own recourses, and a surprising amount of power when it comes to protecting his daughter. But not only that, every princess belongs to the Heavenly King, who has ALL recourses, ALL power, and is perfectly just and righteous and loving.
Now don't freak out. Or on second thought, maybe you should freak out. But don't run away! I mean, a King wants to give his daughter to a worthy prince at some point, right? But until then, that daughter is ROYALTY. That doesn't mean you can't spend time with her, talk to her, laugh with her or touch her arm for fear of losing yours. But it does mean that she deserves honor and respect. Your job is to make things easy for her, like sitting down in a chair, or carrying her 50lb book bag to her car.

We also like to think of ourselves as dashing young knights on powerful charges. Great! This will encourage you to be serving and chivalrous. But wait! The King expects knights to protect his daughter; not only her safety, but her purity as well. That means from other people, but more importantly, from yourself. She ain't yours until the King gives her to you. Trust me, you'll know when that happens. There's a big ceremony and everything, and she'll probably kiss you, even if you're not paying attention because you're lost in those big, beautiful eyes, and the feeling of her hands in yours. Don't worry, the kiss will snap you out of it. Either that or put you in a coma. I'm not really sure which...

So. Treat every girl like a princess. Like a REAL Princess.

Consider this 5% Thinkings of Harris and 99% Wisdom of Older, Wiser Men. (That left over 4% is just Common Sense)


elliebird said...

i love you so much.

ViS!T0R said...

I can't think of a compliment strong enough. I'll just put it simply. I liked that post.

Harris said...

Is that Wesley Perry? (this is going to be a bit awkward if it's not...)

ViS!T0R said...

yes its me!