Friday, November 4, 2011

I’m here to rescue… uh…

So she’s all like “Wow, your majesty, I can’t believe how awesome you are!” And I’m like “Really? You really think I’m awesome?” And she’s like “Yeah! You’ve got that cool horse, and wow, that armor! I’m totally into armor! I thought about joining SCA this year, but of course I was too busy with my classwork at princess school.” And so I figured, you know, we were hitting it off.

Then I was like “Hey, why don’t I come over and study?” and she was all “Oh, wow! What a great idea! I want to show you off to my roomie!” And so I go out and get some brand new armor and just go riding up, and then, suddenly I get there, and her roomies this freakin’ dragon who’s, like, six times my age! And the dragon’s all “Hey, what’s up. Nice armor.” and I feel super stupid because it’s clear, you know, I completely misread the signals on this one.

But now I still have to study, because I don’t want to admit I only showed up for her, and she’s all “Hey, buddy, you seem down? Need to talk?” and in my head I’m like WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE DATING A DRAGON but outside, I’m just “Nah, just gonna keep this helmet on as a study aid.”

Anyway, that princess and I don’t hang out much any more. I did see that dragon at the mall a few weeks ago but he pretended not to know me. I guess I’m actually cool with that.


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