Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I just had an epiphany about how selfish Facebook is. Or rather, how self-centered it tends to make it's users. Because I realized that so much of my activity on facebook is (was) so self centered. Not always. But alot of the time. For instance. I've realized that I would post on someone's wall, say I missed them, give em a 'sup' or whatever, not because I had thought of them persay, but because I wanted them to think of me. Or how often what I wrote on someone's wall was influenced by the fact that others would see it (often actually a good thing, but sometimes bad) or how often I wrote on a friends wall so that someone else would see.

And I'm not even gonna get into pictures. (I mean, I love to see attractive pictures of all my friends, but too often I'm concerned with how many attractive pictures there are of myself for everyone else to see).

I know this isn't true of everyone on facebook. It's kind of an "if the shoe fits" thing. But it's sobering to look back and realize how often I was wearing those shoes.

This isn't a bash against Facebook. ...okay, maybe it is.
But my point is: though this is a personal failing in myself, not something I should blame on Facebook, I have come to realize that Facebook is a terrific avenue for that weakness.

Anyway. Food for thought.


elliebird said...

i love you, harris. and ::cheesy alert!!:: you really do inspire me.

Chelsea said...

Facebook just...feeeeds on our weaknesses!!

Margaretta said...

this is exactlyprecisely why i left facebook. the format itself is selfish, so it's hard for anyone to rise above that. good thinkin' there, spud.

Gurtrude said...
