Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fun with Braxton

I decided to call our camera Braxton, after an uncle of my father's whom I never met but whom I know was, for a fact, awesome. The camera is actually Dad's. So Braxton has by no means been "officially christened". But I think that's what I'll call him.
I did some exploring with Braxton and discovered his capabilities to be greater than I originally thought. You see, Braxton has a distant cousin by the name of Roslyn. Roslyn is an excellent camera. And having recently discovered Roslyn's capabilities to be greater than I originally thought I figured Braxton might be hiding something or somethings from me. And so he was. Now Braxton and I have formed a fast friendship. And the other day we did a bit of photographing.

Nay, these photos do not fully display Braxton's abilities, I must admit.

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