Monday, March 21, 2011

on being 17

So, except for getting a drivers license, getting taller, and starting to have to shave, years 14-16 weren't all that different.

Ok, so maybe those are some big differences. But those were outside differences. There weren't a whole lot of inside differences except for the natural, gradual feeling of increased maturity (which really kinda spiked and ebbed. I'm sure ya'll know what I mean. Sometimes you feel really grown up, and sometimes you feel like a child. I like the former more).

17 is about the same. Outside, my body keeps on maturing. I think I'll be able to grow an acceptable beard by Harmony Hill. And yes girls. If I can pull it off, I'm gonna do it. Sorry.

God has blessed me with a fantastic job that I truly enjoy and is constantly rewarding in so many ways. Working at Chick Fil A and going to TeenPact have really helped me out of my comfort zone, helped me be a more congenial, engaging conservationist, and taught me many lessons in serving others.

My responsibility to be a good example, to be a safe driver, and to be a wise custodian of my money are becoming more evident every day.

I pray that God would make himself more real to me every day and that he would:
  1. Help me to worry less about relationships and gaining worldly treasures
  2. Help me to concentrate more on being the man he wants me to be: NOW, not later
  3. Help me to be wise with my money
  4. Help me to be wise in handling the friendships and relationships that I have now
  5. Help me to focus completely on him, and not only acknowledge his rule in my life, but seek him in all that I do.

1 comment:

Cordelia said...

Nooooot the beard! I don't know many guys who can pull it off. Most of time, it ends up looking pretty rough. And gross.