Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ode to the Beard

There once was a boy, who wanted a beard,
For he knew it would bring him great joy.
Oh the world t'would unlock, and make his looks rock,
If he managed to grow a good beard!

He could sail the high seas with his crew and his sword,
He could ride into battle, a valiant, strong knight!
And dress as a Jack of the Lumbering trade,
And chop down big trees all night!

But alas, it was fate, that his dream waft away,
To be taken again in some far off May,
For this boy had a job at a Chick-Fil-A.
And, though a beard would be grand,
And make him feel man'd,
The management demand that his face remain bland

So the boy cried and pouted all day.


Thumper said...


Chelsea said...

Love it.
miss you!

Cordelia said...


Yep, Joseph had the same problem. Apparently, Chik-fil-a set out to crush the hopes and dreams of many a young man.